Here's Dr. Cass checking me out. I like her!
(Again, ignore the dates on the pictures. This was 1/21/09.)
Atticus Preston Holzhacker was born at 10:57 PM on Saturday December 6th, 2008. He weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 22 inches long. This blog is so that his family and friends can watch him grow and change. Enjoy!
That looks like a very cozy doctor's office and a very nice doctor. You are obviously growing quickly and healthily, but I am sorry about the shot. (Get used to it, I think there are quite a few more in your future... Don't you hate how they make the parents sign that form every time there's another one, like one day the kid is going to get his hands on it and come back at you asking for an explanation...)
Dude, you look like such a badass with that hair. Tell your mom she for real needs to fix the date stamp on the camera.
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