Saturday, January 3, 2009

Me and My Peeps

I've met lots of members of my family--and my honorary family--during my first four weeks of life. My parents weren't too good about recording the meetings at the time, but now here are some pictures of me with all kinds of special people:

Here's my with my Nana, my maternal grandmother.

And here's me with Ern, my honorary grandmother, who took care of my mom and my aunt Gillian when they were babies.

Here's a silly picture of me with my aunt Gillian.

And here's one of me with my paternal Grandma Michele.

Here's me and my Opa Matty, my dad's dad.

This is my mom's friend and my "aunt" Krista, who came for a visit all the way from Ohio. She also brought this awesome sling which I LOVED hanging out in.

And I'm not in this one, but here's my cousin Chris and my "brother" Kody, hanging out watching a movie while I took a little nap.


Unknown said...

Lucky you to have such a large and loving family!
Keep up the posting - your fans love it.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Cute pix! And yes, we love the posts! :)

Gillian Lord Ward said...

PS - I'm not sure who looks more scared - or scarier - in our picture!