Sunday, December 19, 2010

I still love bathtime.

After we wash my body and my hair, it's swimming time.

Once the water's all gone, we do "nite nite tub" where I pretend to go to sleep in the bath tub.

Sometimes, like in this picture, I closely resemble a trussed turkey...

But it's fun fun fun!
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My birthday dinner.

After playing, it was time for dinner. We all wore our party hats.

And I spoke to my Aunt Gillian, who wished me a happy birthday.

Then we had cupcakes...YUMM!

And because it was also Chanukah, Nana had jelly doughnuts, too.

It was my best birthday ever!!
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Happy Birthday to Me!

I had my 2nd birthday on December 6th. Can you believe it?!

We went over to Nana's house to celebrate. I played with my dump truck.

And Mommy and I played with my workbench.

And the AWESOME drum that Vicki gave me!

Uh-oh. Do you know what happens when you get so caught up playing that you forget to change your diaper...?
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A visit from Opa

Opa came to visit us not to long ago. I showed him all the important stuff, like how to work the VCR.

He lost interest, but I kept at it!
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More playing.

After dinner we had more play time. For me, that totally meant getting Daddy's belt, Ollie's collar, and Nana's mop and rocking out.

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Turkey Time!

Then it was time for dinner.

Hooray for turkey!

I was mesmerized by the candles.

But even more entranced by the sparkler Nana broke out at dessert!
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Happy Thanksgiving!

We went over to Nana's house for Thanksgiving dinner. But before dinner, we played!

I love to ride on her carousel horse.

And Daddy and Uncle Adam and I played with blocks,

and jumbo legos.

Good times!
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