Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ahoy, maties!

Yep, ANOTHER cute outfit! This one from my mom's friends at I'm so glad Mom's friends and colleagues are keeping me well-outfitted! (You may not be able to tell from these pictures, but this outfit is black with gold anchors on it. Perfect, especially since Dad used to be a yacht captain!)

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Dinner with friends

Last night we went over to Mom and Dad's friends' house for dinner. We all had a really fun time, and I got lots of attention! First Cailey held me.

Then her brother Garrett held me.

And then Cara held me.

I was so happy in her arms I went straight to sleep!

Spring Training

My mom's friends at USA Today gave me this cute baseball outfit. I wore it the other day in anticipation of the start of baseball season! The only questions left is whether I'll be a Mets fan (like my mom) or a Yankees fan (like my dad) ... stay tuned!

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Adieu ma chere!

My friend Julia is leaving to go to Paris with her mom for work, for more than a month! So we said goodbye the other day.

She decided she didn't want to leave me, though, so she grabbed right on to my hair!

Then she thought it'd be OK, and she puckered up to give me a kiss goodbye... I'll miss her while she's gone, but it'll be so exciting to see how much she's grown up when she gets back!
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

The parade!

And then we went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade on Greenwich Avenue. It was loud and exciting and I loved it! Don't we look like we had fun?

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My 1st St. Patrick's Day

Well, my 1st St. Patrick's Day Parade. Luckily, this parade happened after St. Patrick's Day so I got all decked out in my green togs--for 70% off!

First, I got my "Kiss Me" socks, see? They have shamrocks on the sides!

And then I got my "Kiss Me I'm Irish" green shirt to wear with my big-boy jeans. (These are new big-boy jeans, size 9-months, since I'm such a big boy!)

And finally I got my fuzzy hat (is it a bear? a racoon? a dog? we're not sure) and mittens to keep me warm. (No, they're not Irish or green, but they're also technically past season so they were $0.99!) I look pretty cute, don't I?
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My very own seat

I'm holding my head up so well these days that Mom and Dad gave me a seat of my own to sit in. I love being upright and looking around at the world. Isn't it great?!

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A SERIOUS case of bed-head!

The problem with sleeping on my side like that, though, is what it does to my hair. We'll show you a couple different angles so you get the full effect...:

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I may be a big boy...

I am a big boy--about 16.7 lbs and 26.5"!--but that doesn't mean I still don't like a good nap every now and then. My favorite place to sleep is still curled up on Mom's chest.

Don't I look peaceful?
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Hello world!

I'm big enough now to ride face-forward in my carrier, so Dad and I have lots of fun checking stuff out.

The only problem with sitting this way is that it can be a little umm, awkward when I fall asleep!
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Hand-Eye Coordination

I'm getting very good at grabbing things now. I love playing with this flower...

but I wonder why it doesn't smell like a flower?
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Too big for the baby scale?

Mom weighs me every Friday at the New Mom's Group meeting at the hospital. I'm getting pretty big now--look at my legs hanging off the scale! (PS: I weighed 16 lbs, 3 oz, but we do think some of that was because of the big sweater I was wearing!)
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A Big Week for Everyone

Mom went back to work this week. It was a big adjustment for all of us. But I'm psyched because it means I get to spend LOTS of time with Dad!

But I did miss Mom, too. When she got home after her first day, I was so excited to see her that I had to suck her chin!
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"wish you were here"

Dad and I went to the grocery store the other day. We wanted to take a picture for Mom, so she would know that we were thinking of her, so we found her favorite food.

Me, I don't get it, personally--I like my milk!
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Morning Glory

I'm very chatty these days, especially when I get up in the morning. As I've mentioned, though, I'm a little camera shy. So you can't hear any of my conversations here, but it's still a cute "me waking up and stretching" video...

A little nap...

Even though you can't see either of our faces, my mom likes this picture of me and Daddy taking a little nap together.
PS: Can you see my piggies?! It was warm enough the other day that I didn't need to wear socks. My feet got lots of kisses!

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Yes, it's true. On March 6th, I turned three months old. My mom sang "Happy Birthday" to me all day, and a lot of times I joined in and "sang" along with her. They tried to capture it on video but I've recently developed a fascination with the camera and clam up and stare straight ahead as soon as they pull it out. For that reason, they had a hard time getting a smiling "three months" picture of me. Here are their best efforts...

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