Thursday, April 16, 2009


No visuals, sorry, just an update. I went to the doctor yesterday (and had 5 more vaccinations--ugh, but I was a trooper!). I'm officially 16.4 pounds and just over 27 inches long. ;-)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My new room!

I'd been living in the living room. But Mom and Dad finally decided it was time for me to have a little more privacy. So they turned the dining room into my nursery. It's still not quite done--we need some decor on the walls, and stuff--but it's pretty cool.

Wanna come in and see? C'mon!

OK, that's all. C'mon back out now!
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Tummy time is better ...

... when Dad and Kody join me!

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I'm on the move!

The other day Mom put me down in my crib while she checked her email. She left me in the middle, holding onto my flower. It got pretty quiet after a few minutes so she came in to check on me. This is what she found. No kidding! I'd managed to pull all my friends from the four corners of my crib to come hang out with me!

WHAT?!? I got lonely.
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I have nothing to say about this picture. Mom just likes it. So here it is. Hi there.
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Mmmm, fresh foot.

Mom and Dad went out to dinner the other night. The waitress asked what I wanted, so I said, "Nothing for me, thanks. I'll just have my foot."

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4 months old

On Monday, April 6th, I turned four months old. I know, I can't believe it either!

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Uncle Adam!

My uncle Adam and his girlfriend Amy came to visit--all the way from California! I was so excited to finally meet them because I'd heard all about them. We had a great time together!

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My and my cousin Chris

Chris was keeping an eye on me while Mom took a shower this morning. I got a little fussy, so he walked around with me. That does the trick, and I fell fast asleep on him. Ahh, bliss.

And then Kody, who always wants to be near me, came over and joined us on the couch.

And then Chris did the impossible: he put me down in my crib, and I didn't wake up. Mommy and Daddy can NEVER do that!

Chris took this picture so we'd all remember who has the "mad skills," as he put it! ;-)

PS: Check out my bad-ass Vans sneakers and matching bib. They were a gift from my uncle Adam. Don't I look cool?!
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My first haircut!

Now wait, before you freak out, they didn't cut my signature standy-uppy part up top! But Daddy has a firm "no mullets" rule in his house, and Mommy was not so thrilled about the hobbit-like parts hanging down over my years.

So they just did a little trim on the sides and in the back. I was pretty squirmy and not very cooperative, but they were persistent and got the job done.

And there's just this one little part on one side just above my ear that looks REALLY bad. So we hope that my hair will grow as fast as the rest of me has been!
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Magical, Soothing Seahorse

My friends Boose and Yeti gave me this musical seahorse. Up until now it was just another thing I saw in my crib. But lately I'm really loving it. I stare at it...

And I hug it...

And sometimes even chew on it...

And at bedtime, when it's dark and its tummy lights up and it plays music, I'm MESMERIZED by it!
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A little while ago I found my feet, and every time you'd put me down I'd immediately grab them and roll onto my side...

But just recently I discovered exactly what I'm really supposed to do with them. Yumm, how did I not know about this before?!
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