Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where's Atticus?

I made a mess of myself when we had lunch at Nana's last weekend. Nana got a washcloth to clean me up, but I had other ideas..

Where's Atticus...?

There he is!

Mmm, pasta!

We went over to Nana's house for dinner a couple weeks ago. We had a yummy pasta casserole with tomato sauce. Boy did I enjoy it!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ready for a hike!

This morning Mom and Dad and Kody and I went for a hike in Corbett's Glen.

Come ON Dad, let's go!

We had a great time. Kody and I were so tuckered out when we got home that we had to rest together...
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A trip to the zoo!

We went to the Seneca Park Zoo on the 4th of July.

It was a hot day for such an excursion, but I cooled off in the sprinkler.

Here I am as a butterfly!

Daddy was kind enough to carry me around on his shoulders. It's important to stay hydrated, you know!

For a little break from the heat, we went inside to watch the polar bears,

and the sea lions!

Then we went back outside and played in the cool water. I loved that part!

And then we saw some pretty birds, too.

We had a great day!
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Silly dress-up fun

One of my favorite things to do is to go through the diaper bag and our winter clothes bin and anything else I can get into, and then ask Mom to help me put on whatever I find.

This hat fit my head about a year ago.

And check out THIS ensemble!

(Let's not comment on the fact that this hat doesn't fit me either, even though it says it's 24-months. Do you think I have a big head??)
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A purpose for everything

Woah, what's this cool thing?

You might think it's a remote control for our A/C.

But I think you'd be wrong.

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A visit from Opa

My Opa came to visit us again, to help celebrate Dad's birthday.

Kody and I love hanging out with him!
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Avian excitement

We had a bird in our house the other morning! We have no idea how it got in, but there it was, freaking out in our living rooom.

Here's me and Mom watching it fly back and forth. You might think that the squealing noise you hear is the bird, but it's not. It's Mom...

Don't worry, though. We opened the door and he flew right out to freedom!
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A little morning nap

I got sick again a couple weeks ago. I was so unhappy and cranky that the only thing I could do was fall asleep in Mom's arms.

It only lasted about 10 minutes, but don't I look peaceful?
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My favorite tub toys

They're not what you might expect. Mom's Mardi Gras beads and my toothbrush.

And Mom's comb and loofah scrubby thing.

Oooh, and Dad's back scrubber, too!

I love bath time!
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World Cup Part II

Wearing his jersey brought them such good luck that Daddy decided I needed my own Germany soccer uniform.

I must admit, I feel a little bit of pressure now. But I'll do what I can.

Go Deutschland!!
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The family that builds together...

Daddy and I built this awesome block tower. (Kody helped, too.)

Then, I had a delightfully naughty idea!

What if I just

Woo hoo, destruction!!
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