Sunday, July 11, 2010

A trip to the zoo!

We went to the Seneca Park Zoo on the 4th of July.

It was a hot day for such an excursion, but I cooled off in the sprinkler.

Here I am as a butterfly!

Daddy was kind enough to carry me around on his shoulders. It's important to stay hydrated, you know!

For a little break from the heat, we went inside to watch the polar bears,

and the sea lions!

Then we went back outside and played in the cool water. I loved that part!

And then we saw some pretty birds, too.

We had a great day!
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Gillian Lord Ward said...

Looks like fun! We don't have a zoo here, maybe you'll take us to yours when we come visit. I like you as a butterfly. :)

Amy S said...

I want to gnaw on your cheeks!