Atticus Preston Holzhacker was born at 10:57 PM on Saturday December 6th, 2008. He weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 22 inches long. This blog is so that his family and friends can watch him grow and change. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Mmm, pasta!
We went over to Nana's house for dinner a couple weeks ago. We had a yummy pasta casserole with tomato sauce. Boy did I enjoy it!
I'm glad to see you're still going naked to eat - looks like it's still pretty much a necessity!
I just had a vision of 18-year-old Atticus out on a date. They'll go out for pasta, and he'll rip his shirt off before digging in.
That puts a whole new twist on prom night, doesn't it?
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