Saturday, November 14, 2009

My latest trick

I've been able to take my socks off by myself for a couple weeks. Lately, though, I've started taking one arm of my shirt off during dinner. See?

Yo, Dad, I see you over there. Don't think you're going to put my shirt back on...

Seriously, if you people would just leave me alone I could get back to my meal. Sheesh.

There we go. Thank you.
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Unknown said...

You'll probably be running around starkers any day now.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

I remember when Resli's big thing was taking her shirt off at dinner, especially when out in public and with Grandma and Granddaddy who were mortified by it. I thought it was funny. A looks so incredibly grown up!

Amy S said...

What's the big deal? Sometimes you gotta cool off!