Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"The Crib" series

I woke up with really funny bedhead from my nap. Mom and Dad tried to capture it on film but didn't really succeed. Instead, though, they got a great series of photos of my post-nap happiness ...

This one does a pretty good job of showing you all FOUR of my teeth.

This is just seriously damn cute.

This one ain't so bad either.

In this one I'm showing off my newest discovery: my tongue!

And finally, this one does a decent job of showing you my wacky hair.

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Amy S said...

He would be so seriously stylin' in the 80s. Luckily, excellent hair of any shape never goes out of style. I'm going to go dig out my gel and see if I can re-create this look.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

That's what my hair looks like in the morning too, but I'm nowhere cute as you and can't pull it off.