Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ESAR, post 1: The Ride Begins!

Mom and Dad and I participated in the Empire State AIDS Ride last week (www.empirestateaidsride.org). This is the 7th year of the Ride, the 6th year Mom's been involved, and the 4th year for Dad. It was my 1st!

We had a long drive up to Niagara Falls and had to stop many times. Here we are getting breakfast.

Finally we made it. This is us much later that evening, at dinner. I was so happy to be out of the car that I stuck my whole hand in Dad's mouth!

ESAR, here we come!
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1 comment:

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Quite a big road trip for a little boy, but it looks like you handled it like a pro.