Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ESAR, post 6: various forms of sleep

On a week-long camping trip, it's important to be able to fall asleep in any situation.

Here's me and Mom on the air mattress during one of our real camping nights.

And here's me in my backpack. There were some early morningse--too early for me!--and I sometimes fell sound asleep while Mom had breakfast with me on her back.

Really, it might not look it, but I was very comfortable!

The last night we got to sleep in real beds! (Well, I was in my Pack-n-Play until the 4th time I woke up, when Mom brought me into her bunk bed with her.)

When I realized she'd left the bed, I spread out to make good use of the space!
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1 comment:

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Cute PJs, and very cute tooshie.