Sunday, July 26, 2009

All grown up?!

This isn't a good (or happy) picture of me, but Mom wanted to post it anyway because she thinks I look so grown up, with my haircut and my khaki shorts, and my sandals.

(She keeps saying I look like such a little boy. I don't get it; I am a little boy, aren't I??)
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Adam said...

"Little boy," indeed. Quite the dandy, you are. Nice sandals.

Amy S said...

I think Atticus could walk into a law office and do quite well for himself. Or at least make an impression at a Hamptons law party.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Dude, we HAVE to skype more, or figure out a way to visit more. I'm not going to let you grow up that much without seeing you more often!