Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mom and Dad on a date

Since we had both my grandmothers there, my parents took advantage and went out to dinner, just the two of them, for the first time since I was born. I'm sure they missed me tons, but they were pretty excited!

And then at the restaurant they realized they'd been gone almost three whole hours, and rushed right home to see how I was doing.

As it turns out, I slept the ENTIRE time and was no trouble at all. I hope they don't think they can do this regularly, though!
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Gillian Lord Ward said...

On the contrary, do it as regularly as you can! Harvey and used to spend most of our 'date' time talking about the baby/babies, but it's still so good to get away, isn't it? I love Mathias' "look at the time" face! :)

Unknown said...

Trouble? Are you kidding? I was tempted to wake you up just to see that dazzling smile some more.