Sunday, January 18, 2009

My First Wrestling Match

My cousin Chris had a wrestling match the other night, and we all went to see him. Guess what? He won! I enjoyed sitting on Daddy's lap and watching all the action.

And then, amazingly, I slept through a large portion of it, even with all the cheering and whistles and buzzers and everything.

After that we all went out to dinner--my first dinner out in a restaurant! My parents were too nervous the whole time, though, to take any pictures.... ;-)
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Gillian Lord Ward said...

Congratulations, Chris, on the match. Congratulations, Atticus, on the outing. And most of all, congratulations to Mom and Dad for your bravery! It gets easier, I promise!

Unknown said...

Go Chris! And, my, what a busy life Atticus is suddenly having. I'm glad you're all getting out for a change of scene.